Sunday, January 9, 2011

2 lbs. down and stalling

I've lost focus. Not even a week in, I had cheated and fallen hard. It's the coffee! I can't kick the habit. So for this week, swimming is on Monday night which should really help with my mood and getting back into the swing of things. After six months of not going, my butt is going to hurt!

The other plan for this week is to add in an Omega 3 / Vitamin D liquid to my diet every morning. My hair is dry, my skin is dull and my mood is crummy so this should really help.

Last goal - to bring the yerba mate tea that Heather gave me to work so that I can still get the caffeine jolt I need without the cream and sugar that I add to coffee.

OK so three new goals for the week and I am down 2 lbs so that is encouraging...

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Dismal results

So usually by the end of day 2 of any diet I start, the scale shows a 3 lb. loss. And yes, I know most of this is water weight but it really keeps me motivated to slog through the headaches, cravings and general crabbiness of the first week.

Take a look at my ticker and you will see a gigantic 0.8lb. loss. What the heck?! Where is all the water weight? What kind of weightloss is that? I really really needed a motivator this morning - so so so frustrated!!!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

The first day is the hardest

and man is it hard! I have a headache and I'm super grumpy - I mean rage at everyone grumpy! Hopefully this will not last long though.

For breakfast I had cheerios with skim milk. Lunch was a spinach salad with goat cheese, pecans and tomatoes and a couple whole grain lavash. I also had a pear and an applesauce cup.

We had Crave mini cupcakes at work so I caved and had one - and was it ever good! Now I am off to eat my yogurt and dream of dinner...